Learning & Training

September Events

03 September
Leading into Change
7.30 – 9.00 pm Online.
Following Jesus is all about transformation; people and churches experiencing transformation and communities being transformed. In Methodist churches, transformational leadership is practised by teams of lay and ordained leaders: ministers, lay workers, church and circuit stewards and other committed volunteers. The monthly Leading into Change webinars offer leadership ideas to stimulate your thinking and give you space to apply this thinking to your own particular context.
Please click here for more information and to book.

05 September
Explore Taster Evening
7.00 – 9.00 pm Online.
Explore is an opportunity for any member of the Methodist Church in Britain to take a breath, step back, and consider how they are called to respond to God’s call through worship, learning & caring, evangelism or service. This taster evening allows you to meet the facilitators and get a sense of how the course is delivered.
Please click here to book your place.

09 September
New Prayers for New Places for New People
6.30 pm Online.
Join a monthly online prayer gathering to pray for the New Places for New People/Church at the Margins movement in the Methodist Church.
Please click here to book your place.

16 September
An Introduction to Unconscious Bias
7.00 – 8.30 pm Online.
Hidden biases have the power to undermine and derail our desire to act justly and fairly towards other people in lots of areas in our decision making. This online session will be a space for information, discussion and reflection.
Please click here for more information and to book.

19 September
Reflective Line Management Training
09.30 am – 4.30 pm Online.
Reflective Line Management training is designed for any new or existing line managers. It offers a holistic approach and an exploration of good practice. The course comprises two parts – Character, Skills and Law, and Interventions and Aiding Reflection – which will both be completed on the same day.
Please click here for more information and to book.

23 September
Reflective Line Management Training
09.30 am – 4.30 pm Online.
Reflective Line Management training is designed for any new or existing line managers. It offers a holistic approach and an exploration of good practice. The course comprises two parts – Character, Skills and Law, and Interventions and Aiding Reflection – which will both be completed on the same day.
Please click here for more information and to book.

24 September
Adult Mental Health First Aid
9.00 am – 5.00 pm Online.
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a nationally accredited training course which teaches people how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and provide help on a first aid basis. This course is being delivered by accredited trainers from the Methodist Church Great Britain who are licensed by Mental Health First Aid England to facilitate.
Sessions One and Two of the course will be on Tuesday 24 September, and Sessions Three and Four will be on Tuesday 01 October. Usually the course costs £300, however if you are connected to the Methodist Church, it has been subsidised to £60 (non- refundable).
Please click here for more information and to book.

24 September
NPNPs and New MPs
1.30 – 3.00 pm Online.
A conversation with Paul Morrison of the Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) about how to connect with your new local political leaders.
Please click here for more information and to book.

26 September
Lay Orientation Training Day
10.00 am – 3.30 pm Online.
A day for new Lay Employees to meet, explore their role, understand Methodism and get to grips with key employment practices and much more!
Please click here for more information and to book.

27 September
Circuit Stewards Community of Practice
7.00 – 9.00 pm Online.
Join the Learning Network’s Circuit Stewards Community of Practice – on the last Wednesday of the month, guests with specialisms in particular topics from across the Connexion will join to share their wisdom and knowledge, to invite discussion and answer any key questions you may have. You will also have the opportunity to connect with other Circuit Stewards and share experience and knowledge with one another.
Please click here for more information and to book.

October Events

11 – 13 October
Church Planting Intensive
Cliff College, Cliff Lane, Hope Valley, S32 3XG.
The Church Planting Intensive is a fully funded course for those who are planting New Places for New People; designed for those who are actively shaping a vision, about to launch or in an existing project. It mixes teaching and reflection, prayer and deepening our calls. Following this residential course at Cliff College, there are monthly online meetings for six sessions on Thursday evenings.
Please click here for more information and to book.

14 October
New Prayers for New Places for New People
6.30 pm Online.
Join a monthly online prayer gathering to pray for the New Places for New People/Church at the Margins movement in the Methodist Church.
Please click here to book your place.

21 October
Safeguarding and Neurodiversity
7.00 – 9.00 pm Online.
If 15-20% of the UK have brains that work differently to those considered ‘typical’, what needs to change with our safeguarding practice so our churches become welcoming and inclusive to that 20%? This webinar will help participants understand a little of what neurodiversity is, and work out how we might adapt our safeguarding practice. This webinar will be faciliated by Jane Fisher, District Safeguarding Officer (DSO) for the Channel Islands and Southampton Districts; Claire Coles, DSO from the South East District; and Jon White from the Learning Network.
Please click here to book your place.

23 and 24 October
Mental Health First Aid
9.00 am – 5.00 pm Online.
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a nationally accredited training course which teaches people how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and provide help on a first aid basis.
Please click here for more information to book your place.

29 October
Reflective Line Management Training
09.30 am – 4.30 pm Online.
Reflective Line Management training is designed for any new or existing line managers. It offers a holistic approach and an exploration of good practice. The course comprises two parts – Character, Skills and Law, and Interventions and Aiding Reflection – which will both be completed on the same day.
Please click here for more information and to book.

November Events

02 November
Reflective Line Management Training
09.30 am – 4.30 pm Online.
Reflective Line Management training is designed for any new or existing line managers. It offers a holistic approach and an exploration of good practice. The course comprises two parts – Character, Skills and Law, and Interventions and Aiding Reflection – which will both be completed on the same day.
Please click here for more information and to book.

05 November
Lay Orientation Training Day
10.00 am – 3.30 pm Online.
A day for new Lay Employees to meet, explore their role, understand Methodism and get to grips with key employment practices and much more!
Please click here for more information and to book.

07 November
Who Cares? An introduction to pastoral care
7.00 – 9.00 pm Online.
Who Cares? is a series of four 2-hour sessions that introduces participants to the possibilities of pastoral care – creating appropriate environments and developing practices that welcome, support and care for others in their role. Please click here for more information and to book.

08 – 10 November
Faith Rooted Community Organising
Cliff College, Cliff Lane, Hope Valley, S32 3XG.
Faith Rooted Community Organising offers a way to resource and enable people to find out where God is at work in their communities, and join in. What is distinctive about Christian faith rooted organising is that it is grounded in who we are as a people of Christian faith; rooted and centered in God, in  our practices of prayer and worship, and in the way we live out and share our faith. The weekend course is free of charge and is held at Cliff College, Calver, beginning with dinner at 6pm on the Friday evening and ending after lunch on the Sunday. It is essential to be available for all of the sessions as the course builds on each element over the weekend.
Please click here for more information and to book.

11 November
New Prayers for New Places for New People
6.30 pm Online.
Join a monthly online prayer gathering to pray for the New Places for New People/Church at the Margins movement in the Methodist Church.
Please click here to book your place.

12 November
Methodist Church Eco Community
7.00 – 9.00 pm Online.
Are you passionate about faith and the environment? Do you want to get involved in climate care in your church context, but don’t know where to start? Are you already part of an eco-church with awesome experiences to share? Do you want to explore environmental justice? Are you already an eco-activist? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then please join the Methodist Church’s Eco Community!
Please click here to find out more and book your place.

21 November
Reflective Line Management Training
7.00 – 9.00 pm Online.
Reflective Line Management training is designed for any new or existing line managers. It offers a holistic approach and an exploration of good practice. The course runs across three evenings and comprises two parts – Character, Skills and Law, and Interventions and Aiding Reflection – which will both be completed on the same day.
Please click here for more information and to book.

21 November
Demystifying Risk Assessment
7.00 – 9.00 pm Online.
Picture the scene: you’re about to open the Circuit’s first memory cafe. You have all the resources. The team are raring to go. The tea is brewing. And them someone asks, “what do we do if someone decides to walk out into the street?”. This is where risk assessment—the systematic reviewing and reducing or eliminating of risk—comes in. This webinar will be faciliated by Jane Fisher, District Safeguarding Officer (DSO) for the Channel Islands and Southampton Districts, Claire Coles, DSO from the South East District, and Jon White from the Learning Network.
Please click here for more information and to book.