Own Arrangements Services

Own Arrangements Services title on a green background.


For a Local Preacher Readers’ Service for Advent Sunday – click here.

Christmas Season

For a Local Preacher Readers’ Service for the Christmas Season – click here.

Easter Season

For Local Preacher Readers’ Services for the Easter Season – click here and here.

Palm Sunday

For a Local Preacher Readers’ Service for Palm Sunday – click here.


For a Local Preacher Readers’ Service for Pentecost – click here.


For some general Local Preacher Readers’ Services – click here (this will download a Zip file).


For a Local Preacher Readers’ Service for Lent – click here.

Mothering Sunday

For a Local Preacher Readers’ Service for Mothering Sunday – click here.


For the worship resource pack for an Own Arrangements service on the theme of ‘Prayer’ – click here.

Community Celebration

For the worship resource pack for an Own Arrangements service which celebrates the whole life of the local church through all the groups who are connected to the church building – click here.

Healing and Wholeness

For the worship resource pack for an Own Arrangements service to explore and experience healing and wholeness through an act of worship – click here.

Who is my Neighbour?

For the worship resource pack for an Own Arrangements service which celebrates the connection between the local church and the life of the community around the church building – click here.

For the PowerPoint slides that accompany the ‘Who is my Neighbour’ service – click here.