The Yorkshire West Methodist District recognises a Climate Emergency, which requires urgent action politically, corporately and personally. The resources on this page are to help you, your church and circuit respond to this emergency and take action.

We believe that our role as stewards of God’s creation goes beyond the walls of our church and extends to the world we all share. With a deep sense of responsibility, we are actively engaging in efforts to reduce our carbon footprint, promote sustainable practices, and raise awareness about the urgent need for climate action.
Join us on this journey as we seek to protect and preserve the precious gift of our planet for future generations, guided by the principles of faith, love, and hope.
You can read news stories about the different ways our churches and circuits are taking climate action here.
You can download a copy of the District Climate Change Policy here.
You can download a copy of the model Circuit Environmental Policy here.
Use Carbon 360 to track carbon use
Visit the Connexional website for more information about using an Energy Broker to buy energy
https://www.methodist.org.uk/for-churches/property/a-z-property-guidance (scroll to drop down box 19)
Methodist Church ‘Action for Hope’ resource – explore resources provided by the Connexional Team here:
Methodist Church “Net Zero Outdoors” resource – read tips and stories about sustainable gardening:
Get involved with Craftivism at Leeds Sanctuary here:
Sign up to be an Eco-Church with A Rocha and equip your church to express your care for God’s world:
Read stories about how the climate crisis is impacting communities around the world, including those served by Methodist relief and development agency, All We Can:
Develop a relationship with your MP so you can raise your concerns, including around the climate crisis and urgent political action required:
Use worship materials and videos prepared by Eco-congregations Scotland:
Explore a range of resources for churches compiled by the Leeds Anglican Diocese:
Make use of the Yorkshire West Methodist worship resources: