A new strategy for the Yorkshire West District was agreed by the District Policy Committee in Summer 2022.
The Yorkshire West Methodist District is part of the Methodist Church in Great Britain and exists to inspire, equip and resource the circuits and churches of the District to support them in living out the calling of the Methodist Church to respond to the Gospel of God’s love in Christ.
Through this working in partnership we seek, with God’s help, to be a growing, evangelistic, justice seeking, inclusive and safe, church living out its discipleship and mission.
Growing: where relationships with God and others are nurtured and deepen and where more people increasingly join a shared life of following Jesus.
Evangelistic: where the Good News of Jesus is shared in words and actions, and people are invited, encouraged and equipped to commit to following Jesus in day to day life.
Justice seeking: where attitudes and structures that marginalise others are challenged, and Christians join with others in prayer and action for peace, mercy, justice, equality and the flourishing of all creation.
Inclusive and safe: where all are welcome, diversity is celebrated not condemned, participation is enabled not held back, and our welcome protects the safety and wellbeing of all.
Watch our video to find out more:
You can download a copy of the Strategy here.
For more information, please contact the District Office and for updates, please keep checking this page.