
Property title on a yellow, blue and green background.

Missional Property EnablerDavid Craig

David joins the District team with a background in construction, property development and mission coaching. This is a new role in the District which entails offering practical guidance and support to help circuits and churches.

A good starting point with David is usually exploring these two questions:

  • What is the mission that this property enables?
  • What adjustments to the property would enhance this mission?

For an example of a mission plan, see this which was produced at Cross Gates Methodist Church.

David is involved in the District Property Consents Panel, Grants Committee, Rural Strategy Team and the Climate Emergency Group. This coverage means David can support projects at various stages in line with the various District policies. When projects require input from TMCP or officers in the Connexional Team, David is available to support churches and circuits.

Property Consents Website
Before commencing a property project, please click here to read a guide which will indicate if it needs to go through the Consents process. If in doubt, it will usually require consent unless it is general repairs and maintenance.

Please contact David early in your project planning for any clarification:

See who is funding churches in 2024
We’ve updated our list of funders that provide grants to churches and church projects.

Find your best match and use our fundraising tools to write your grant application.

Property Stewards Handbook
Property Stewards are an essential role in supporting local churches. The Connexional Team have produced a helpful handbook, please check it out.