What do we mean by “rural”?
The government defines “English rural” as being outside of settlements with more than 10,000 resident population. It is not necessarily as straightforward as that and every rural community is different. Common themes for rural areas would be:
- low population density
- distance between residential and commercial centres
- dependence on agriculture and farming
- isolation through lack of public transport, networks of people or available resources
How much of the District is rural?
There are large rural areas within the District which include parts of the Yorkshire Dales. These rural areas have outstanding beauty and face the balance of sustaining farming and tourism which are both key to their economy.
What are the issues facing rural communities?
- Due to various factors like rising housing costs, low paid work and lack of employment, many younger people are leaving rural communities. This means that rural communities have an average age 5 years older than urban areas.
- Rural areas face isolation with poor public transport, internet links, mobile phone coverage, fuel poverty and limited access to health and social care.
- There is often inequality with some areas of significant wealth and yet poverty is also a key issue within many rural communities.
- Within the farming community there is significant uncertainly due to issues like changes to farm subsidy, climate change and more extreme weather patterns, and a shortage of labour.
What is going on in the District to support rural communities and the mission of rural churches?
Our Rural Lead is Revd Kathie Heathcoat, based in the Calderdale Circuit. Kathie works one day a week for the District alongside being a minister. Do get in touch with her if you have any questions or would like to get involved in rural mission.
Tel: 01422 884146
Email: kathryn.heathcoat@methodist.org.uk

- There is a Rural Strategy Group which meets regularly to reflect on rural issues.
- There is much work going on through local churches to be a positive and supportive presence in rural communities and respond to local needs and opportunities.
- There are a number of auction mart chaplaincies within the District some of which have Methodist chaplains.
- We help facilitate an online gathering called Positively Rural to encourage enable and equip rural mission and ministry. Information on forthcoming webinars can be found here as well recordings previous sessions.
- For further information and contacts please click here.
The Rural Strategy Group have also developed a Strategy for use by circuits and churches across our District. Hard copies were given out at Spring Synod in April 2022, but further copies of the Strategy can be downloaded here:
Rural Strategy Booklet (please note that Revd Andrew Webb, whose contact details are on the back page, is no longer our Rural Lead. Please contact Revd Kathie Heathcoat with any queries or for further information).
To read good news stories about Rural Mission around the District, please click here.
The link to the Connexion’s Rural Mission & Ministry page can be found here.