Tag: climatechange

  • Crafting a fairer future

    Crafting a fairer future

    Leeds Craftivists, part of Leeds Sanctuary, were featured in the Spring 2024 Edition of “the connexion” magazine. Read the article below… Reproduced with permission from the connexion, the free magazine of the Methodist Church, methodist.org.ukTo receive a free copy, sign up at bit.ly/the-connexion

  • Towards Net Zero

    Towards Net Zero

    Inspired by the environmental focus of our District Synod a couple of years ago, the Wharfedale and Aireborough Circuit has invested prayer, time, energy, and finances on developing our eco-credentials as part of the “Sustaining Hope” aspect of our renewed Circuit Mission Statement. We initially developed and adopted a Circuit Environmental Policy to guide our…

  • Young People sow seeds of justice

    Young People sow seeds of justice

    It was a joy to see the Eco Saints Group at Trinity Methodist Church in Bramley (Leeds South & West circuit) featured in the Winter 2023/24 edition of the Connexion magazine. You can read or download the feature below: