Digital Church

Greetings, my name is Revd Mark and I’m the Digital Church Enabler for the Yorkshire West District. (Email:

Please find details here of some of the projects and initiatives I’ve been leading in this role. Whilst this is only a part-time role, please do get in touch with me with your digital church needs. Please note that we regularly gather on zoom for our District Digital Forum to discuss digital church themes and issues as well as get advanced notice of upcoming projects and ideas.

Part of my role is to reflect on the part that technology can play with the wider church, so please find a recent paper I wrote on Being Digital Church.

District Digital Forum

The District Digital Forum is a way for people across to the District to meet online, learn about a specific topic, and ask questions relating to digital spaces. Upcoming dates and sessions include:

04 November at 7.30pm – Managing Facebook
07 January at 1.30pm – General Help and Guidance
26 March at 1.30pm – Websites
19 May at 7.30pm – Streaming Practicalities
09 July at 7.30pm – Digital Community

Previous webinars:

Making the most of Facebook – February 2024 webinar recording

Photos on Social Media – April 2024 webinar recording

What is Digital Church? – October 2024 recording

Useful Links and Resources

Digital Safeguarding Best Practice Reference Document (Please also see the Safeguarding Policies, Forms and Guidance page for relevant Media and Consent Forms)

Explanation of some Hybrid Church streaming kit (video)

Getting Started Online – Methodist Church Connexional Team Learning Resource

Resource Bank for Social Media posts