The decision to redevelop Newmillerdam Methodist Church and reconfigure this chapel into a Creative Arts Centre dates to 2019, when serious consideration was given to re-envisioning an alternative future. In similar fashion to many small Methodist chapels, the existing congregation had diminished in size over a period of years, and it was difficult to imagine a sustainable future without some kind of radical change. The creation of Lakeside Creative Arts Centre is an excellent example of risk-taking innovation in the interests of contextual mission and contemporary relevance. We are delighted that this project has been enthusiastically supported by the Aire and Calder Circuit, and that is indicative of a circuit who are willing to support entrepreneurial mission and creative endeavor.
The existing chapel building sits alongside an increasingly popular country park and is in the environs of a city (Wakefield), that is explicitly developing itself as a center for the promotion of the Arts. There is an increasing awareness of the potential of the Arts to contribute positively to mental health and well-being across all age groups in society. The location of the Arts Centre at Lakeside is within reasonable distance of other significant Arts facilities in greater Wakefield, the Hepworth Gallery, the Yorkshire Sculpture Park at West Bretton, and the Arthouse in the center of Wakefield. All these facilities indicate the existence of a vibrant Arts scene in the city of Wakefield and the Lakeside Creative Arts Centre will tap into all these rich networks.
Since this momentous decision, the project has developed in the following ways:

- Lakeside Creative Arts Centre is now a designated charitable project of the Aire and Calder Circuit and benefits greatly from its oversight.
- It has a delegated Management Committee for the operational management of the center.
- It will employ a dedicated Arts Coordinator who will be based in an office at the center and be a key contact with the artistic community.
- A groundbreaking redevelopment of the existing site which is virtually complete at a cost of circa 300K. The new premises have two discreet gallery spaces with state-of-the-art lighting, and audio-visual equipment, a wash down wet area for resident artists (below left photo), lift facilities for accessibility (below right photo), and attractive community space downstairs for outside users.

Lakeside Creative Arts Center will exist to promote the rich and creative interface between faith and the Arts, by offering activities that will explore faith, spirituality and human experience through the medium of the Arts. There will be a rich selection of arts workshops throughout the year providing the opportunity to learn new creative skills, and thereby learn, change, and grow as human beings made in the image of God. In the light of its location within the vicinity of a beautiful lake and country park, Lakeside can offer unique space and opportunity for health, well-being, and human flourishing for all ages.
The members of the Management Committee are very excited about the future of Lakeside and are already making plans for future events, for example:
- A school’s arts project around the theme of ‘Happiness’
- A Glass fusing Workshop led by the Revd. Rachel Parkinson.
- A potential space to host retreats that will contribute to mental and spiritual health.
- A story-telling workshop with the President of the Conference, Revd. Richard Andrew.
In all of this it is important to recognize that there continues to be a small worshipping community, who meet week by week in the new setting of the Arts Centre – a faithful Methodist witness amid creative, entrepreneurial development. This faithful community of believers is vital to the health and well-being of the center, through their support, generosity, and willingness to volunteer. As the Arts Centre develops, and new people gravitate towards its life and creativity, it is quite possible that this worshipping community will grow.
Revd. Dr Julian M. Pursehouse, on behalf of Lakeside Creative Arts Centre.
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