Susanna’s Table

We are delighted to be able to share with you the resources for Susanna’s Table in Lent 2025. These resources have been developed by a team from across the Yorkshire West District.

Susanna’s Table is an invitation to gather around a table in Lent 2025 in your context and as you gather to create a place of Encounter, Fellowship and Learning. We hope that tables will gather across the District in homes, town centres, outside village halls, in churches, coffee shops and work places, to mention just a few of the possible places.

On this webpage you will find a number of resources to help you dream, plan and facilitate your expression of Susanna’s Table.

On Monday 20th January 2025 at 8pm the Susanna’s Table Team are hosting an information Zoom where you can find out more about the resources, share ideas and ask questions. If you would like to come to the Zoom please sign up here.

If you have any queries or questions about Susanna’s Table you can email the team on .


The Main Resource – this tells you much more about Susanna’s Table and has all the resources you need. This can be downloaded here or ordered hard copy by emailing .

Editable Planning Sheets – these are included in the main resource but are here as Microsoft Word versions so you can fill them in as you plan then print them off to share with your team. There are two versions:
Lent Season Planning Sheet
Individual Event Planning Sheet

Grant Form – We recognise that to do things well often needs funding, and that sometimes Local Churches are struggling for funds. Therefore, to support different expressions of Susanna’s Table across the District, £25,000 has been set aside in the District Advance Fund to enable 100 x £250 grants to be claimed by Local Churches to support their Susanna’s Table.

If you would like to apply for one of these grants please complete this form and return it to the District Office.

Printable Resources – the following resources are easy to print handouts for different parts of Susanna’s Table which you may decide to use as you plan your Susanna’s Table:

Ash Wednesday5th March 2025Matthew 6:1-6 & 16-21
Lent 1w/c Sunday 9th March 2025Luke 4:1-13
Lent 2w/c Sunday 16th March 2025Psalm 23 & Psalm 78: 1-20
Lent 3w/c Sunday 23rd March 2025Matthew 22: 1-14 and John 2: 1-11
Lent 4 (Mothering Sunday)w/c Sunday 30th March 2025Luke 15: 1-3, 11b-32
Lent 5 (Passion Sunday)w/c Sunday 6th April 2025John 12: 1-8
Palm Sundayw/c Sunday 13th April 2025Luke 19: 28-40 and 45-48
Maundy Thursday17th April 2025John 13:1-17, 31b-35
Easter Sunday20th April 2025Luke 24:1-12
Post Easter ThinkingLuke 24:13-35