Tag: inspire
St John’s Church, Yorkshire get A Rocha Gold
This article was originally shared on The Methodist Blog on 21 February 2024 and written by a member of the Connexional Media Team. You can find the original blog here: St John’s Church, Yorkshire get A Rocha Gold (methodist.org.uk) Transforming a small piece of land into a community garden and engaging locally was the key…
Crafting a fairer future
Leeds Craftivists, part of Leeds Sanctuary, were featured in the Spring 2024 Edition of “the connexion” magazine. Read the article below… Reproduced with permission from the connexion, the free magazine of the Methodist Church, methodist.org.ukTo receive a free copy, sign up at bit.ly/the-connexion
Towards Net Zero
Inspired by the environmental focus of our District Synod a couple of years ago, the Wharfedale and Aireborough Circuit has invested prayer, time, energy, and finances on developing our eco-credentials as part of the “Sustaining Hope” aspect of our renewed Circuit Mission Statement. We initially developed and adopted a Circuit Environmental Policy to guide our…
Helping people to become debt-free
Anais Pedron, Media Officer from The Connexional Team, recently visited the Christians Against Poverty Debt Centre at Northcliff Church in Shipley. She wrote this blog for www.methodist.org.uk… “Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a national charity with 300 debt centres across the United Kingdom in partner churches including Northcliffe Church, a Local Ecumenical Partnership with the URC,…
Reflection: Seeing the Spiritual
Revd Rob Drost, Chaplain at Woodhouse Grove School, shared a Reflection in issue 30 of “The Connexion” magazine, Spring 2023. Reproduced here with permission from the connexion, the free magazine of the Methodist Church, methodist.org.uk. To receive a free copy, sign up at bit.ly/the-connexion. “The Revd Rob Drost reflects on four splendid pieces from Frank Roper’s Stations of…
Leeds Sanctuary pull off Christmas Cracker
Leeds Sanctuary ended 2023 with a cracking Christmas campaign which reached over 500 people in-person and received over 800 views online. Inspired by the “Out of the Ordinary” concept shared by The Methodist Church Connexional Team, we decided to highlight what we find Out of the Ordinary in Leeds, and celebrate what’s Out of the…